
On the Way to the Valley of the Angels

On the Way to the Valley of the Angels

A long time ago, far away in Honduras, 
We drove down a road as a large group of tourists. 
The path was not straight nor smooth or easy, 
And the longer we were on it the more we felt queasy, 
On the way to the Valley of the Angels. 

And we rode and we bumped and we jumbled and we jumped, 
With blue skies above us and our pathway before us, 
On the way to the Valley of the Angels. 

And when the roads were not paved we felt close to our grave, 
But when the roads were not gravel we were happy to travel, 
On the way to the valley of the Angels. 

And we rode and we bumped and we jumbled and we jumped, 
With blue skies above us and our pathway before us, 
On the way to the Valley of the Angels. 

And when we finally stopped we got out and shopped, 
And though it was fun our time at last was done. 
So back in the car again we travelled far, 
On the way from the Valley of the Angels. 

