Chyna Jade

Blisters by a Puppeteer

It hurts this pain I can’t explain                                                        
But what do I do I can’t tell you
Names I can’t use for it causes shame                                                                                      
Yet I need to because I write so true
As strings dance me away from thee                                            
Believe me friend I’ll love you until the end
Even if we are both filled with misery                                                                                                   
Oh how I took advantage, Oh how I did depend
Unfair I know as I followed wherever you go                                                                                        
As a dog with a leash connected to she
But if not how would I ever know                                                                                                     
About love with no strings above
Like a puppet giving blisters gift                                                                                                     
As others command in push and shove
Yet you friend pain you gladly lift                                                                                              

Although you have the same deal
But with out anyone to lean on so blisters can heal
I’m just so glad I have you to love
