Gert Strydom

I want to sleep with the same innocence

(after Fredrico Garcia Lorca)

I want to sleep with the same innocence
as the lad who slept among apples
away from the tumult brought by centuries
and awake as if every new day
is a morning filled with new promise.

I long to be at the sea
with the same kind of longing
as the boy who wanted to cut out his heart
because of the sea
to see the surging and swell
to experience the endless energy.

Let me lie down somewhere in the veldt
far away from the atrocities of man,
where grasses, the bushes and trees
grow in splendour
and some animals still roam free
where the first rays of the sun will awaken me.

[Reference: Gacela of the dark death by Fredrico Garcia Lorca.]
