Judith Alekadala


he went to battle without God's approval,
now the nation celebrate his fall and removal.
The king once surrounded by wealth,
laid on a market place, buried on a secret place,
like a banished villager to an evil forest.
He refused to honour God even at death,
offered money to the warriors so brave,
a deal to dodge the grave,
intead of turning to the author of life,
as one shouts in the cloud;
plead for your soul to God!
Dragged from a drain hole,
like a stranded mouse.
found no refuge in any house,
a king once surrounded by wealth,
gold was on his bed, his garments,
his weapons were made of gold.
He seek no counsel from God
oppressed his people with no concern.
hired heartless foreigners to destroy his citizen,
but the lord of Heavens Armies,
uses the small like David,
to pull down Goliath.
The citizens so determined to remove him,
refused to be under the fierce ruler,
They fought from morning to morning,
they united to fight for their freedom.
they finally gathered to celebrate,
the fall of the giant.

