Satish Verma

Paper Nest

Dementia begins. The ending starts. 
Death had many names; 
The mountain owls. They fly in flocks 
and take prey diving on rabbits or great 
bustards. Have you seen the courtship 
display of bustards? They are heavy birds. Fly, 
but also run very fast. 
Soaring flight of eagle. Keen sight and a massive 
hooked bill. Hawk takes prey by surprise. 
Falcon catches prey from above. 
I think water. Don't cry. Your son was 
drowned in a tank when he was three. Head 
down. We pulled him out after half-an-hour. 
Brain damaged. He babbles now, lives a vegetable. 
Neat. Death had many faces. You want her. 
It will not come on asking. I think flames. We 
must lock the house, and come out on skywalk.
