Paweł Szkołut


                             As April’s green endures; or will endure
                             Like her remembrance of awakened birds,
                            Or her desire for June and evening, tipped
                            By the consummation of the swallow’s wings.  
                                     W.Stevens “Sunday Morning”
May - the miracle of spring
in increasingly longer days
the smiles appear more often on your face
but it could have been differently -
the sun would have extinguished
darkness would have reigned on the earth
and winter could have lasted forever
the entropy of the Universe
could have been reversed
and it would get narrower
to recur soon
to the primordial state of chaos
but now again - the miracle of spring
an infinite amount of the life forms
élan vital
there is more light around us
and it is slowly beginning
the celebration of flowering
but it could have been differently -
winter would dominate still
in your soul
and your heart could have shrunk
to return to the starting point -
beyond the horizon
of eternal love
                             IV 2008
