Lody Heront

I is Me

I is me,
I'm only me,
That is all that I can be…
No more,
No less,
No second guess.
I laugh,
I cry,
I'm sad,
I'm happy…
Sometimes I'm funny,
Sometimes I'm not,
Sometimes I'm in overdrive and can not stop.
I'm a loyal and honest friend…
And I can be there until the end.
I'm a romantic and I will share it to the love of my life.
I can be sweet, I can be shy, too…
I'm not perfect, I do have a mistake…
I'm not as forgiving as I would sometimes like to be
because when I'm hurt… I hurt deeply.
My logic is my own at times misunderstood because I'm not always do a thing for my own good.

Bali, Indonesia

