Bob Gotti

My Earthly End

I could very well see the end, of my life on this earth dear friend,
For, after another hospital stay, the doctors sent me on my way,
With this cancer progressing fast, this life on earth, may not last,
With risk outweighing benefit, it was with God not doctors I went.
The Lord said, threescore and ten, is the time allotted to all men,
My life may be cut short friend, but, for me it’s not the last bend,
As this life that God has given me, God shall extend into eternity,
So when I take that last breath, I will see life with Christ not death.
But, The Hope, which I embrace, can move with Mercy and Grace,
As God with His healing hand, can do what men won’t understand,
For The Lord God, could heal me, as His Testimony, for all to see,
As God extends my earthly life, through the power of Jesus Christ.
Friend either way I have peace, that through this trial will not cease,
A peace, because I know God, Who has led me with staff and rod,
My Lord God, Savior and friend, who’s led me through every bend,
The very Author of my entire life, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Friend either way I shall win, for I will not die, but enter into Heaven,
And if God should heal me, I shall continue for Him on this journey,
Whatever God may choose to do, my hope is that He touches you,
To move you to a hope in Christ, so you too, can have Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)
