Scott Mitchell

Like Money in the Bank

Where were you Bonnie
as my machine gun jammed
It felt like the entire world
was against me as I ran
The dream we made
is not a one man show
You left me hanging
now I'm in a jail, alone
I was left behind Clyde
Set aside by your selfishness and pride
You had a dream and I dreamed it with you
For you, I abandoned what I knew
To build uncertain tomorrows
in the name of love
I’d never walk away for good, Bonnie
I only needed a little time
You were my one and only
are you happy for the tears I cried?
I finally swallowed my pride, but
I feel this lump in my throat
Forgive and break me out of here
or send a key in the next note
How can I walk away from the man I owe my sanity to
It's like asking me to survive without a heart
And as long as air filters through my chest
we can never be apart
But this time I want no empty promises
No surprise or short-lived bliss
My Clyde, I swear to get you out of this
You don't know all you did, Bonnie
confirming the love that never dies
There are banks we haven't visited yet
and endless nights, gazing into eyes
We've both gotta be tough
as them evil cops will press us hard
They may pry you from my cold dead fingers
but not while there is gas in our car

Scott Mitchell / Catherine G Vilbrun
