Bob Gotti

The Furnace To The Flood

From the fiery furnace of life, we’re delivered by Jesus Christ.
When those fiery flames appear, our Lord God is always near,
There to lift us above that flame, all in the Power of His Name,
Protecting all of us from each fire, is our Lord’s heart’s desire.
As The Lord so desires to purify, in life’s fires, both you and I,
From a life of unrighteousness, fires allow iniquities to surface,
As we’re cleansed of old dross, In Christ’s power of The Cross,
To live for God and Jesus Christ, in our life as a living sacrifice.
When overwhelmed by a flood, we’re reminded of God’s Blood,
The Lord’s power at Calvary, continues in the life of you and me,
From the flood’s billowing waves, God reaches down and saves,
Saving us from the floods of life, is The Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
It is The Lord’s sustaining power, through any flood, any shower,
When the rains of life begin to pour, our Lord helps us to endure,
Holding us above the water’s flow, Christ desires to help us grow,
Through His Spirit dwelling inside, He’s with us in the highest tide.
Fires and floods, when they come, wherever in life, they are from,
Are used by God in this life, to conform believers to Jesus Christ,
Within the fire and the flood, we are molded by our Lord and God,
Being refined in the Image of Christ, to display The Lord in our life.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)
