Bob Gotti

The End of Good Works

Many souls religious at their best, will surely fail their final test,
A test that man created friend, where good works are their end,
Ignoring The Words of The Son, God’s Only, True Chosen One,
Christ’s very words, “It is finished”; His Salvation is diminished.
Religion is man’s way to God, from down upon the earth’s sod,
In their works, they add to faith, ignoring Christ’s Saving Grace,
Letting religion guide their way, ignoring what Christ has to say,
Final words spoken by The Son, words from Him, for everyone.
Every religion is created by man; a salvation, not of God’s plan,
Led by the one who lied to Eve, so the religious, he will deceive,
Creating religions formed by men, of which, God shall condemn,
When Christ judges every nation, not by works but His salvation.
God, from above, sent His Lamb, Jesus Christ, The Great “I Am”.
To bring salvation to every land, Truth, all men must understand,
The Lord, who died on a tree, finishing salvation for you and me,
As Christ alone is the only way, no matter what religion does say.
All, who ignore the words of Christ, shall never enter Eternal Life,
As Christ alone paid the price, so that man could enter Paradise,
Good works won’t work friend, as many shall see come the end,
Ignoring Christ’s words on Calvary, will only bring wrath eternally.
(Copyright ©08/2011 Bob Gotti)
