Bob Gotti

Refusing To Believe

Some men just refuse to believe, in a God they cannot conceive,
In their heart or in their mind, so they put all Truth of God behind,
Following yet, man’s empty ideas, as Satan continually deceives,
Through empty theories of men, empty beliefs God will condemn.
Satan craftily uses evolution, in leading man’s spiritual revolution,
Revolting against God, over all, Who, reigns over this earthly ball,
The Lord God man simply jeers, creating time of billions of years,
This, through man’s empty theory, ignoring proven biblical history.
With man rebelling against The Lord, all biblical truths are ignored,
Becoming his own god on earth, in Jesus Christ he sees no worth,
Removing God from all he believes, as Satan, endlessly deceives,
Success, for the god of this world, as his deceptions are unfurled.
The devil hardens the heart of man, to guide him into a darker plan,
A plan Satan started in Paradise, so man today must pay the price,
For rejecting God’s Eternal Truth, facing alone His Eternal Reproof,
Which follows man’s last breath, with that price being eternal death.
All this as man refuses to believe, God, from Who they can receive,
The Lord’s gift of Everlasting Life, through God’s Son Jesus Christ,
Who bore man’s death on Calvary, so that all men can live eternally,
But continued unbelief my friend, and eternal death will be your end.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)
