Bob Gotti

Examine Yourself

Words from God, penned by Paul, are not for some but for all,
All who believe in The Savior, words about your life’s behavior,
Examine yourself he had said, while speaking in Christ’s stead,
Asking are we truly in Jesus Christ, as we take stock of our life?
We must fully examine our life; are we truly changed by Christ?
By His Power and His Grace, are we really believers in the faith,
With authority, Paul has to say, are we truly walking in The Way,
Are we truly living as Christ said, or in our former ways instead?
Paul speaks with seriousness, of our heart, not our appearance,
Are we truly changed from inside, so in The Lord we truly abide,
And are we moving on to maturity, in The Spirit, for men to see,
Is our life being used by Him, while in this world tainted by sin?
Are we truly God’s living sacrifice, for The Savior, Jesus Christ?
From a love which creates unity, in Christ’s Church for all to see.
Do we for our Lord, deny ourselves, for a greater eternal wealth?
Wealth, far above this time, beyond this world, by God’s design,
We must have the mind of Christ, to practice that unity in our life,
A unity which shall last forever, as God’s Church, works together,
Believers must pursue real change, in the power of Christ’s Name,
To point a needy world to Calvary, so other men can live eternally.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)
