Valerie Dohren


Night falls, and only dreams remain
Dim dreams of all that might have passed -
Set deep in shadows, thus my soul
Beneath the dying sun is cast

For darkness steals tomorrow’s light
And folly be a trusting heart -
‘Tis those with feathered wings that soar
To vistas which new hope impart

So lost, as in a limbo’d place,
I yearn that I shall find a home -
With no more endless paths to tread
And no more empty fields to roam

But on through des’late years I fare
‘Cross barren lands beset with woe -
E’er searching for a place to be
E’er searching for a place to go

Ah, then to seek my heart’s desire
To cherish ever as my own -
The one to set my soul aflame
That I may be no more alone

(O should I ever, shall I dare,
With open arms to full embrace
Yet seek the thing I deem to love
Then gaze upon that one sweet face)

But faint my will to dare to do
All courage does my heart deny
For I am weak, condemned by fear,
And therefore shall my soul yet die

Soft petals from the rose thus fall
For I am but a wilted flower
Encaptured in a hapless world
And seeded in a shaded bower
