Kahlia Mazacalletti

Raising Me

Being born into a family Black and Blue was hard; to say the least
I was not the prodigal daughter; I was a black sheep 
A shirt with two double zero's on it...........
Never doing anything right was just oh so wrong
Sitting on a curb; dangling my feet off
Going to sleep in the basement; lower than my self esteem
Always undermined by my older brother; the Golden Child
Beaten in my mind til I was purple
Kept on lock down in my own home
Should I have held up a white flag?
I never realized the toll it took on me til I got in therapy
Her always asking me the questions......how did that make you feel?
It felt like an EMERGENCY......God, I needed Help.................
Twisted and worn, I left that HOME at age 17, and I am the person I am today, because of it
I asked GOD for help and HE listened every time 
No More Emergencies

