Goldie Lopez

~ Garbage ~

You have me at your disposal…
like garbage being tossed aside.
With a fowl heart you stroked rebellious pride.
Cleaning out your closet tossed aside I lay,
toyed with my emotions…
  no longer your prey.
Like junk hurled into the garbage,
worn out object, no longer in use.
Leaving, looking through waterfall blues,
facing a lonesome gloom.
No longer spoken, broken hearted reflects me.
Conjuring love…
though never for keeps.
Again I’m like your garbage…
thrown away like autumns leaves.
You’ve loved me, than left me filled with regrets,
 not one responses... did I ever get.
How love can use, mislead and abuse,
such a tender fragile soul?
So much time wasted, only you controlled.
You’ve concluded this story,
near the ending of the book.
 Looking back now... all I see
  is garbage chucked, of nameless old things.
Throwing a diamond within rubble, amongst falling debris.

Goldie. Lopez
