Kahlia Mazacalletti


You have been to me like an old friend, wating to go on a date
I guess all these years gone by mean nothing.......
Is it me or is it the guilt you feel?
I know I have done nothing wrong, yet I feel worthless
I ask for Mercy from you as I get another sleepless night
I do not love you anymore, just a manic attack
Making me feel those helpless feelings again, those frozen ideas
in my head, wanting you, touching you
Despising you all the while, our sexless love affair
In my mind, I fight daily for my dream , that will never come
You not being with me, it does not exist, but I still think of you
It is so merciless and yet so happy to be rid of you
All those years of mental torture, pain and sorrow, bottled up
Ready to explode like an orgasm at any time.......
You have hurt too much and gone too soon.

