Kahlia Mazacalletti


The long goodbye; like taking a puff off your last cigarette
Where do all the young lovers go?
Being so lonely after the affairs of the heart end
On the turnstyle of life, round and round
Their heads spinning with the lack of desire
Felt from days gone by
Lustful dreams; broken memories
The lament of love songs still ringing in their ears
Of what was said to each other
It is a sad thing, this forlong love
The break-up of destiny
Lost forever, only to meet in a back alley street some moonlit night
Under a starry sky-why must it be so hurtful, can't I just let it go?
Move along and find another
Or was He the only man of my years?
Please tell me there is good and plenty
Do not tease me or test me; for I am heart broken
And have no love to call my own

