Tribhawan Kaul


Age never bothered her
She never showed her age
She was a new age women
Never to mind her age.
Proudly she went to a plaza
Fond of shopping home away
But came out just eating pizza
It had made her day.
Body searched her purse
Could not find her key
Also did not find her car
Nothing to giggle and glee.
Wrinkles showed on her face
As she approached a PCR*
Was  directed to the police station
To file an FIR**
She returned home with satisfaction
Informed her hubby with some reservation
Shocked, he stood with a mug of beer
“ But honey, didn’t I... drop you there ?
“ did you drop me ? Oh God !
Oh Yes ! I forgot ;” stunned as she was
Then where is our car?  exclaimed she
 beckoning him to the window for the testimony.
 Rushing out, found the gate open
 dazed , both now looked aged
car was nowhere to be seen
 thought they, finally it has been stolen.
Soon they were surprised
and had a hearty laugh
they saw their own son
driving in, to park.
Age do takes its toll
As one tends to forget
Kudos to those
Who laugh at the malady, without any regret.
*A mobile Police Control Room
** First Information Report
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul/06-08-2012
