Stephen J. Vattimo

The spandex Rule

Two men who are friends bump into each other at a K-Mart. As they are chit chatting with each other, A very heavy woman walks by them,wearing spandex
pants. Now the wearing of these pants made the cellulite in the woman's legs look like she was shoplifting cottage cheese in her pants.
So the one guy noticing this gruesome sight,turns to his buddy and says, " I heard out in California where all the forest fire happen, the park services are running adds,asking very heavy people to refrain from wear spandex pants when going for a jog through the woods."
His buddy asks with a puzzled look on his face, "Why".
So the Guy replies," Because when spandex pants are wore by very heavy People while jogging, they can produce a spark from the friction of the thighs rubbing together and can catch the dry leafs on fire."
His buddy asks," How did they end the add?"
The Guy replies, " At the end of the add, " they have Smokey The Bear remind every one, " Only you can prevent forest fires!"

Written Stephen J. Vattimo May 3, 2011
