Sasha Damien

Turning Dawn

Skipping daintily on dew drenched mornings
She wakes up the enigma in sleeping flowers -
Purple lilacs and yellow buttercups open up
As the sun rises on her delicate morning radiance

She rides the gentle breeze, first kiss of a new day
Touching sleepy minds, their worries brushed off
Nurtured by her soothing glow, the day climbs up again
To the waiting world, jaded from all the nights gone

She is the fragrance of new promises on the horizon
She cleanses little regrets, shaping them around
Breathing her freshness into their porous memories
A day unleashed for new beginnings from old songs

She is our heritage from the sun’s own treasure trove
Gracing our mornings, hewing its myriad possibilities
She paints afresh tirelessly though our churn is high
Turning dawn, working magic into the brilliant sun…
