

Our life is like Chess game
we have to come up with strategies
to overcome the plays
I am a knight 
but underneath the armor 
I am a beautiful person
living in a wonderful world 
Being judge is what I hate 
being judge is what I am terrorify 
being judge is what I'm afraid of
so leave me alone 
I know what I'm doin 
But everytime I move
the queen has over come me 
what shall I do
I should move on 
cause the game 
is not done
So I move my queen 
to overcome the world
Stop critizing me of 
how I sing, 
look or dream 
cause you are
not even perfect
So stop listening 
to what may not be real 
I'm telling you  
I am a knight
but underneath the armor 
I am a beautiful person
living in a wonderful world
So let me play
the nice game of chess.

