
Repeated Dreams chapter 1

"Again and again and again..." The raven haired boy said repeatedly. He feels like he's finally going insane. "I hate this, hate this, hate this, hate this...." He really don't want to go to sleep. "That girl... what does she want from me?", he thought. Repeated dreams of the crying girl, he's scared. "What does it mean?" he questioned himself. The door opened. It was his mother. He's somewhat felt relieved. Good thing it's not Father. Because sometimes at night, his father would go to his room, drunk, and beat him up until he faint from the pain. "Nathan? Why are you still awake? It's 2AM now." His mother questioned him. "Ah, no, I'll go to sleep now..." "Well, okay. Goodnight, sweetie." His mother kissed him on the forehead, turns off the lights, and left him in the dark room. Nathan only obeyed her because she'll beat him up if he disobeyed her, and when he stops crying, she'll run to her son, hug him, and telling him she loves him over and over again. Nathan sighed. "At least she's not like Father... My useless Father." He went to his bed and lay on the warm covers. He hated this warmth. "Ugh, disgusting..." he murmured. He always tries to stay awake, but fails to do so. His eyelids drops, immediately passing away in his dreams. It's her again. Not again..."Uwahhhhh!!!! Uwahhhhhh!!!" The girl sobs. The girl has silvery blond hair, messily tied in pigtails.  She wears a ragged catholic uniform and leggings. She looks about five to six years old, compared to the seven year old boy. Her right eye is covered by her long unbrushed bangs. "Uwahhhhh!!!! Uwahhhhh!!!", the girl cried non stop, her small face covered with tears.He's getting sick of this. "Annoying and disturbing at the same time..." he thought. "It's your fault!!! It's your fault!!! Uwahhhhh!!!", the girl shouted, surprising the boy. She never said anything other than crying out loud. "Wh- what, what did i do?", the boy stuttered. "You wouldn't allow people to live happily in my perfect world!!! Why?!! Why would do that?!! Why...?" Nathan just stayed silent. "What is she talking about? Is she crazy or what?", he questioned himself in his thoughts. "Tell me...WHY?!!!!" The girl shouted, who seemingly stopped crying, with her eyes mixed with insanity and anger. Nathan got even more afraid of her. This is unusual to him. This dream is different from the others. What will happen to him? "WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING ME??!! Ah... ahaha...aha...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!", the girl laughed suddenly. "What- WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??!!", the boy shouted, with tears of fear falling from his eyes. It became more scarier and creepier to him due to the sudden change of mood. "Oh? You're scared now? Oh, darling, please don't be scared. I just wanna play with you! Hey, hey, let's play tag! I'm it! Now run!" The boy is just standing there, not moving. "I said....RUN!!!""AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he shouted. "Wha- what...." Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, he sighed. "Huh...? It's still dark outside? What time is it?...Ah..." The image of the crazed girl chasing him appeared in his mind. "No, stop it, please...." Nathan murmured. "I don't want this anymore..."

