John Ichariah
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,
And comes from the one and only moulder
With it one can move boulders;
And make the hearts of men smoulder
Ispeaketh from experience,
With you my love as the reference
Please don't put up a defence,
For what I say is of essence
I take it you already know,
That the thought of you makes my heart glow
When I lay my eyes on you,
I feel my love for you renew
Figure of a goddess,
The sight of it leaves me clueless
And gives me more and more psyke,
Of finding out what the inside's like
For a taste of you I would cherish,
A feel of your treasure I would relish
Me holding you tightly,
Letting you move just slightly
Don't take this the wrong way,
I guess I can't help my thoughts give away
As they talk of kissable lips;
I talk of luscious grips
Oh my what a smile,
For it I would run a million miles
From it I get my ecstasy,
Garnished with a lot of fantasy
Of how delicious it would feel,
Our lips our bond to seal
Us making the world go round,
And shunning out any distracting sound-
Nothing to interrupt our romance,
For none other would we give a chance
Mi amor me long you to see,
And if possible with you to flee-
Into the horizon;
Beyond the great amazon
To a place of beautiful wonders,
Where none can tear us asunder-
When in the morning I wake,
Only the beautiful picture of your face to take
I pray and hope that fate,
Will let us be till the final date
When together we will trudge;
Into our destiny without a grudge!!!