
The feeling of loneliness

The feeling of loneliness seems to be her only friend. It always seems to follow her. Even in a room full of people the feeling of loneliness seems to be right there besides her.The feeling of loneliness seems to be her only friend, her only true friend. It always seems to know when to show up. It never leaves her even when she wants it to.The feeling of loneliness is maybe her one and only friend, but it is also her stalker. To her the feeling of loneliness never goes away. Even when she's trying to be happy.The feeling of loneliness always finds a way to come around and scare happiness away. The feeling of loneliness seems to get jealous. When love tries to come into her life. Loneliness tells love that she isn't worth it. So love may find her but it never stays.The feeling of loneliness may be her only friend, but it's also her enemy.
