Vaibhav Rawat
the Saddest Heart
The Saddest Heart
Open is my heart now, Open it was when I saw you.
Open were my eyes then,
got closed when they saw you.
I smiled, my heart smiled, HE laughed at
She is not yours, she never will be, HE said.
My heart, became the
saddest heart.
I again smiled, my heart cried, brain... he had no idea.
I came close to
you, my heart stopped weeping.
My eyes, they wanted you, refused any
You came closer, my heart smileg again.
HE said once again, no
point, there is no gain.
My heart, the saddest heart, did not cared.
My brain lived in shadow of a
We, we survived the heat of moment.
We became each other's
HE... well HE was gone, as my heart thought.
But then came the
moments, when we fought
The saddest heart, it behaved slowly,
My life, it became too lowly.
was gone, our passion, it got lost.
I tried, a bit too hard, to save us from
the frost.
Too late, I thing I got,
My heart, the saddest heart, did not
cried this time,
What's the problem, the brain thought, atleast for this