Pranesh Varan

~Beautifully Forgotten~

He was the quite type
The one who got stepped over
Left behind

She was the wild type
The one who stepped over others
Always lonely
in her mind.

Together they were amazing
Fireworks they created
Time stood still
Consumed eternity in an instant.

Love, lost in a moment of lust
Eternity faded into darkness.

He was the guilty type
The one who hid in shadow
Leaving trust behind
A mask of sanity so carefully drawn.

She was the cliche
The one who lived by constants
Driving each other insane
A step further to indifference.

Together was just a memory
She forgave him to remind herself
He prays for another chance
And just then, instantly, eternity is gone.

Love was gained in a friendship
Pain has faded into a scar
Lies have become the truth.

Everything now, Beautifully Forgotten.

