Laura Steph

The Dancing Fountain

I reach out deep into my sweeter past, a long gone history
I forget the taste of the tears on my cheeks and the pain in my heart
And take a moment to remember, our sweet beginning, my sweetest memory

I remember the love, oh the young fierce love we shared before September
I can smell the water and I can hear the music… 
And the sound of the crowd’s applause
On that sweet day that the fountain danced, 
The sweet day we first walked hand in hand

We sat amongst the crowd but as we watched the water spring to life, 
 I could not hear their voices and I could not see them, It was just you and me.
The fountain was beautiful and danced so elegant
The waters rose and danced in waves setting me into a mesmerized trance
How could it be that you were not watching the beautiful fountain? 
 The whole time, instead you were watching me! 
And instead of praising the fountain, you praised me.
I searched for the lie in your eyes but you were so sincere

And as the music played…
The fountain danced with my heart letting your love trickle in
It is a sweet memory, how it all began…
Sadly how it ended… was a most bitter tragedy.

But have you ever heard of oceans running dry? 
I know this for certain, the fountain is still dancing…
Dancing inside my heart and its music will forever live in me.
