George Krokos

The Problem With Oil

The oil that man drills for and mines from below the surface of the earth
is like the life blood of the planet that's been accumulating since its birth.
The more that we use and deplete this fuel as an ongoing energy resource
the less likely we'll be able to sustain a clean environment in our future course.

It is said to be the transformed residue of animal forms that lived and died before
over many millions of years that nature in her capacity has been able to devour.
Is it really any wonder then about the shape and size of the machines form 
that have been invented and developed to run using oil as their fuel norm.

The pollution of our atmosphere and environment that is caused by using this fuel
says a good deal about our ignorance that with nature we are really having a duel.
Mankind acts like a relentless parasite on the surface of the earth
and has been eating away at the life of the planet since its birth.

The earth is a planetary living entity in its own right
and has evolved to sustain all life by universal might.
Only man has developed the capacity to preserve or destroy
and it seems through ignorance that destruction he’ll employ.

Think of it this way that the ground below our feet is gradually getting colder
as we suck and drain the oil or life blood of the planet as man becomes bolder.
While the atmosphere above is evidently becoming warmer through carbon pollution
by burning oil and coal for our needs; surely we know there's a better, cleaner solution!

