Angela Lucius


by Angela Lucius
Pub in Darkness Deep 2011

Across a crowded room I felt you there
The power of your soul took me unaware
When I looked into your eyes of blue
All else disappeared, and all I saw was you

I smiled a sheepish grin and looked away
My heart of stone was melted to soft clay
When you spoke to me I must confess
That all I wanted was your sweet caress

I fought it from the moment that we met
But fate had overruled my strong protest
You breathed your lifeblood deep into my core
Making me desire and want you more

And so I let you in against my will
Now I find myself in longing for you still
For life I may have flowing in my veins
But empty arms are all that now remain

Consumed each waking hour with your face
Wanting for your touch and warm embrace
Loving you in dreams as I lay sleeping
Waking up alone my heart starts weeping

Moments together but a niche in time
A memory that's burned into my mind
Fate is an evil demon with its tease
And Love is but a wish upon a breeze.
