Beatting Tree


Raining down, I hit the fan.
Stuck on a cloud, I cant reach the ground. 
Until it storms away. Until life evaporates.
Sway with me. Make a move. 
Cause i can't reach the moon. I can't touch the sky.
Sway with me.
Run away, I'll drag you down onto the clouds. 
I can't move. I can't move.
I can't...Sway with me. Make a move.
it's like wheres the sky & who are we? 
Why can't i breath or even scream! Let me Scream! 
Just let me be but don't let me be.
Blue moon cry's, Red moon die's.
Just let me go, but don't let me go.
Blue moon die's, becuase red moons gone. 
Sway with me, c'mon. Sway with me, c'mon.
Sway with me, c'mon just sway with me.
C'mon just sway with me. C'mon just sway with me.
I don't know.
