
One Day

I'll prove it to you.
One day you'll see..
How happy I am, 
When you're with me..

You'll realize it when, 
You see it in my eyes; 
The way they smile and laugh, 
When we make our sparks fly..

I'll pick up every piece I've shattered, 
Of your delicate, precious heart.
I'll do whatever it takes to fix it up, 
Like it was from the start.

You'll forget my stupid comments, 
The ones I never meant.
You'll know I've always loved you.
My heart was not for rent.

I'm waiting for that day, 
And I'm hoping it comes soon.
Before I end up leaving far away, 
As far as sun and moon.

So at least by then, you'd understand, 
How much I really love you.
So we can live our lives after, 
With a love as true as blue..
