Richad Kane

Live Free

When you look deep into my eyes
Tell me what do you see
Am I the man that you claim is your destiny

Illustrate a picture for me in your mind
Of where you see us in five, ten, or even twenty years

Are you still with me

At long last an unsurpassed feeling must outlast
Thoughts of you put the mind at ease
Allowing me to live free

Blue-green waters
Sea so fierce
Distant winds whispering nonchalantly
Amongst the serene breeze
Waves becoming increasingly rapid
Clashing, Creating colossal waves

Gazing at the infinite horizon
Amazed by its spectacular openness
So vast and seemingly unending

This right here is paradise

The sublime feeling of the cool sand beneath your feet
Take a deep breath
It smells like absolute freedom
Watching the skies turn from blue to orange
Colors shifting ever so slowly
