steven cooke

Love in all its Glory

Within the petals of the
Captured in the fragrance
of the orchid
Nurtured by the holy water
of love
Drenched in the sunlight
of your being
My love is kept safe in
the woman
That is you

Within your eyes there is
a flame
Born of passion, fuelled
by a sacred trust
A woman beyond Michael
Angelo’s imagination
Beyond the dreams of first

Your face worthy of every
love poem ever written
With a smile that my
dreams can,
Play over and over again
in a world,
That only you and I know

Where we can walk, hand in
Through dreams that have
not yet spoken
Down paths where our
emotions merge
Where two hearts beat as
In this glorious thing we call love

Here our souls can lay down
Away from this troubled
To make love, for angels
to envy
Where your kisses heal the
man that is me
To bring me back from the

To see the sunrise through
your eyes
Hand in hand with my one
true love
And when we are three
I pray that our child will
To find love and happiness
Just like you and me
