Chyna Jade

Along side the Moon

Its soft yellow glow                                                                          
Lights the travelers way                                                              
Weary and not knowing where to go                                         
Yet here is Gods night-light                                                             
So the adventure can show                                                                 
It s great path night or day                                                    
Without stopping the flow                                                                  
Of his feet following the flight                                                     
This flight of freedom he does not know                                  
Never loosing his way                                                                       
For the round moon gives direction                                 
Adventure he keeps in mind                                                       
With the love of inspection                                                              
To have his heart beat with the wind                                             
As he takes in earths perfection                                                 
All alike and all different kind                                                        
For he walks alongside the moon so he can lend                 
Because a poet by all means he is                                              
Seeing all and writing with words                                          
Because ha can not dismiss                                                          
This complicated rhyme scheme                                                  
And the beauty of poetry’s bliss                                                      
As this poem becomes heard                                                           
By using unique sayings that become like a kiss                         
So soft as the moon light gleams
