Flying Lemming

Life's a Buffet

I cant eat that think of my weight
Who know the number of calories
Will attack me if that’s on my Plate
I could grow quite fat with ease
And if I dared to stay out late
My skin will just sag as it please

I dare not travel, I may get lost
And I don’t like to be out in the heat
Just as much as I dislike the frost
Odd climates will just have me beat
And think of the trouble or anguish or cost
Or my poor aching legs and feet

It could be fun having something new
But just how new should it be
There may be a wonderful panoramic view
But I may be too worried to see
I could be too timid to give it its due
The change might be wrong for me

Don’t live in fear of change, laugh and play and sing
Life is just like a buffet, try a bit of everything
