Munindra Misra


Doubt but fear to attempt but be,
Our doubts are traitors undoubtedly,
In doubt faith subsist in certainty,
But cannot focus on path to victory. [1]

Doubt whom you will, but not self clearly,
If children don’t doubt it be a tragedy,
Belief but ever divides people strongly,
And their doubts unite them resoundingly. [2]

Doubt not a pleasant condition be,
Certainty - a more absurd contingency,
But to reach the point of certainty,
We begin with doubting categorically. [3]

For every seeker of Truth that be,
At least once you doubt all things fully,
Respecting faith without doubt but be,
But with doubt education blooms totally. [4]

Doubt but thought ever but be,
And thought is life unhesitatingly,
Fools and fanatics certain but be,
The wise full of doubt thoughtfully. [5]
© Munindra Misra
