
Low lows and high highs

I feel like I am soaring, like an eagle in the sky
Everything’s going so great; I’m stuck on a permanent high
Everything which once had me down, so far down past return
Has disappeared into the darkness, locked up in an earn
I feel I’m on top of the world, screaming as loud as I can
Then someone comes and tackles me and I’m back to where I began
The deadly symptoms of fear, weighting down my every thought
Pushing me off that pier, re-fighting the fights I’ve fought
The tough battle of life continues, to burden my every move
Toward the light I go to exasperate or to improve
Encountering many conflicts as I trespass the forbidden zones
I want my life back again, but the path to take is unknown
I must push through this barrier, this small but great brick wall
To find my way back to the top, to be in control of all

