
My Absolute

Dear Diary,

I wonder if this world could
love, truly love. If every human that walks this earth could band together and
create a circle of trust and strength. Is it even possible, that I could
forgive everyone I feel has done me wrong? Looking at every time I've cried or
felt betrayed I realised- this thing I call hate is made up of stupid reasons.
Reasons that are so unconventional, I am ashamed to be telling you about them.
Diary, I feel like I have been wasting my life hating people and things for
dumb reasons. I have spent time thinking about things that hurt, rather than
thinking about things that I love. I wish I could have that time back, I wish I
could take back every time I said 'I hate you'. I wish... I wish I could love
and forgive. I wish I could truly love.

