Anirudh Singh


Dare, I dream...
Of Summers green,
And starlit skies,
A spring seen,
Of winter's snow,
And tears unknown,
Shed in joyous, silent dreams.

Dare I grasp,
A mortal's clasp,
And live, as able,
Those years at last,
To Love and lie,
beneath your smile,
To hold you close, hold you fast.

Dare I seem...
In arrogant blood,
To laugh on thee,
O' Fates unjust,
And will, my will,
Beyond this mist,
And sail a future, hence unseen.

Dare I hope,
That futile hope,
And stand as tall,
Even in wrath,
Dare I wish,
On a broken star,
And lay bare,
the failings of my heart.
Dare I breathe,
that perfumed dream,
The musk your presence,
Shall eternally cast.
Dare I tempt,
The Gods, I must,
And face their judgement,
When I am dust,
Dare I cast,
My die in sorrow,
And blame the fates,
For my losses, tomorrow?

Dare I step,
That forsaken step,
And walk this road,
That I have followed.
Until I am, alas..
at that bitter end,
Where only I, could ever have been.

Dare I dream,
A fabled dream,
Of you and me,
Together to be,
Of ringing laughter,
A brighter past,
And bring the illusion, to everlast.
