Priyanka Dey

Now Entrapped

The threads cocoon the shreds no more
Flawed smiles fake the crowded galore
But fail to submerge the cries
Unheard stories, undried tears.
What is left is not us,
But shadows of a what was.
We sing sometimes,laugh aloud
Not together, we're lost in a crowd.
People gather all around,
Too much noise, without our sound.
New friends made, new passions discovered
Someday we'll lose our sight
Now we live two different lives.
Two different worlds separate us,
By every breath..every touch evaporates..
And your whispers now seem coarse
The dew has dropped, like those three empty words you'd once meant..
And we join the hundred others,
Who were once like you and me,
And when we were crazy about our love,
A yesterday of us, wild and free,
Now Entrapped.
