Judith Alekadala


As things are getting rough, the answer is to look to the owner of universe, the creator.
he made us for a purpose he cannot allow us to suffer unless we dont recognise him us our master.
God can cause the rains to fall in due seasons to allow us to grow and harvest bountifully

help us O Lord,
it is getting tougher and tougher,
the answers we get from other sources,
gives us no results
we thought it was politicians policies,
but how can they stop these:
drought,tsunamis, hurricanes,earthquakes etc
as a nation bail another,
the other shouts for help,
we are getting into a danger zone they say,
our economists can measure the degree of it,
stopping it they know not.
we can measure the speed of a storm,
but you determine it,
we count the numbers of our years,
but you grant it,
O! you know the number of our hair.

Help us to remain under your wings,
the security here is guaranteed,
no downgradings here
there is Gold and silver in your kingdom too,
we will settle here

