
Everyone talks about good advice

If we know the past, we can correct the future ,yet we do not know What is coming between us.
They said not to worry about the world, but most of what i know concerns me.
Everything will be alrignt my mother said, until is it too late they get the message.
But I have learned from their failed commission.
Don't discredit correction. Rejoice in the truth.
They failed to mention that truth sometimes is aggravating and accepting is not quite easy.
The experience is what's molding. 
The people you surround yourself in is your choice.
Gain or lose or give to pursue what is true.
Communication is more significant from what i knew.
The dreams I have had sometimes became true 
Some times is just de'javu ; something that makes me feel comfortably numb from being there before, yet there for the first.
Feels like a dream within a dream. A vision seen so clearly.
Makes me question life even more. Although,
These things keep me in sync with life.
I have learned if you give the most you can receive the less, but the 
Intentions are more important. 
In the end it was my own intake that helped me survive this crazy life.
Seeking and searching truth throughout my time.
