Stephen J. Vattimo

Invincible SuperHero

It's splash across the canvas of print
It's blare across the airways
Another SuperHero has fallen.
On the stage of life,they appear bullet proof
but out of the bright lights,in the shadows
every SuperHero has his Kryptonite
In the bright lights
a SuperHero's powers are his wealth and fame
in the shadows super powers can be weakened
by thieves,moths,rust
Don't Gear when a SuperHero has fallen
less it becomes your  Kryptonite
and you trip over your own cape.
The strength of a SuperHero's custom is not in silver or gold
but in the strength of a good name.
There is only one invincible SuperHero
He conquered death at the cross
To rescue Humanity from the hands of a villain
The name of this SuperHero is Jesus The Christ
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo
 July 6 2014
