Stephen J. Vattimo

I'm Not Living In Stealth Mode

my image might be a fright in your sight
but that doesn't mean I bite

I don't have a college degree
But that doesn't mean I am not wise enough to know the difference between darkness and light

I may not be a Pastor or a Rabbi
But I can still share with your the words of Jesus who has the power to lead you from death and into abundant eternal life

My talents may not fetch silver or Gold
But that doesn't mean they aren't gifts from God
But that doesn't mean they aren't  anointed for the service of God's kingdom

I may not have a popular name
I may not have power and wealth
That doesn't mean I live in stealth mode

But thats not going to stop me from turning the world upside down
To introduce the hungry to  the name of The Bead Of Life
 Jesus The Christ.

Written By Stephen J. Vattimo
July 25 2014
