Bob Gotti

To The Promised Land

After journeying a sin cursed world, we await a time, yet unfurled,
Where we will be free from sin, where righteousness reigns within,
A distant place, of God’s design, where we will be free from time,
With no limitation on those of us, who have come to Christ Jesus.
The time soon may be at hand, when we enter the Promised Land,
The blessed land promised by God, so far above this earthly sod,
A unique place in Heaven above, arranged by God’s amazing love,
Where we shall all live together, with Jesus Christ and God forever.
It shall begin a blessed time of rest, away from every trial and test,
Gathered in our Heavenly Home, surrounding God’s Eternal Throne,
In the very presence of our Lord, Who on earth, we’ve long adored,
Now upon Heaven’s eternal shore, we’ll serve our Lord forevermore.
A blessed place of eternal peace, where time with God won’t cease,
In a city built by the hands of God, where upon gold we all will trod,
Right alongside that Crystal Sea, in a dwelling prepared for Eternity,
Where believers will begin Eternal Life, with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Eternal Life that we received, when in Jesus Christ, we believed,
Accepting on our behalf His sacrifice, by Grace we’ll enter Paradise,
Not for anything that we have done, but, on the Merit of God’s Son,
Who cleansed us of all our iniquity, to live with Him through Eternity.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)
