Bob Gotti

God Will

“God will” we read all over His Word, Truth to us that can be inferred,
Into the lives of both me and you, for what God says, God shall do,
For everywhere we read “God will”, The Lord above will indeed fulfill,
As God fulfills every jot and tittle, working in all things, big and little.
Everywhere these words are read, in Scripture, He’ll do what He said,
All of Scripture, which we read, especially “God will” we should heed,
For God shall finish His Will and Plan, in the life of every single man,
As on this His Earth, every single life, will be judged by Jesus Christ.
God is Love, but must be just, His unchanging character all can trust,
God will show His Justice my friend, all men shall see in the very end,
Even though amoral forces assail, God’s ultimate justice shall prevail,
For He is God and as God must be, true to His Nature, for all will see.
Men will change, but God will never, as God’s Word shall last forever,
God’s Will and Purpose always suits, His Timeless, Eternal attributes,
In spite of what men believe and say, and while earth shall pass away,
God’s Attributes and Will together, remain unaltered, now and forever.
God’s Righteousness will one day fill, a New Earth, as God said it will,
Though God’s Judgment soon will fall, grace and mercy is open to all,
By knowing God and all that He said, we’re filled with hope, not dread,
As God will sound the trumpet for us, to take us home to Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)
