
An Amalgamation of Weird

Reality pervades the word
Making worlds seem blue
And colors all green
In the eye of a spectator
If I think about me
I will become dead
A dry concept that must be maintained
A burden to myself
She looks at me
And makes a mold
That I must carry around
And love to behold
But if I can just
Pay attention to the touch
Of finger tips on keys
And skin on bones
I’ll be left alone
By myself
To wither away
And die
My ego, my self-image
Renounced with no act of renunciation
But left to wither
Without being fed
Without being thought
Led out on to
The crystal space of maze
A torrential downpour
From my throat
That abhors me
And turns light into the shadow of genius
And skip as one with no skipper
Act with no actor
Action alone
But without action either
For there must be an actor
Let the periods dry out
And the emotions run cold
There will be six cents
That no words can behold
And break off the tulip
Turn a new leaf
