Bob Gotti

Walking Beside Me

I am on this journey with God, this I can say with a confident nod,
I’m not walking alone my friend, as God walks with me to the end,
Yes, God is with me all the way, walking beside me night and day,
His presence others will not see, but, He walks always, beside me.
Through this trial I’m never alone, as a believer I’m one of His own,
With my Shepherd always there, to afford both guidance and care,
Led by the staff of Jesus Christ, on this journey in my present life,
As He guides me through my journey, always there to comfort me.
God also uses my loving wife, to assist me through times of strife,
In times when I’m not feeling well, she’s always a comfort and help,
When I am feeling far from fair, God fills her with His Spirit of care,
As The Lord helps her comfort me, on my sometimes dark journey.
Beside me every day and hour, in my weakness God grants power,
Power and strength to continue on, as dark days can get very long,
Although the days can be very long, in Christ my Lord, I am strong,
Not because of my strength within, it is all because I walk with Him.
It’s no small thing to walk with Christ, Who, knows all about my life,
Knowing the beginning and end, He knows, as I near another bend,
Encouraging me before and through, that bend in my life in all I do,
It’s such a comfort on my journey, to know that God walks with me.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)
