Bob Gotti

Authoritative Power

The Mighty God and Creator, is Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior,
Who alone has complete Authority, from the beginning to eternity,
Who became a man but still God, becoming flesh to visit our sod,
The very Creator of all you see, came to be Savior of you and me.
For only Christ my dear friend, knows the beginning from the end,
The Alpha and The Omega is He, Who controls all things eternally,
The One Who sustains all the earth, sustains us through New Birth,
The One holding all things together, grants us life with Him forever.
Of God, Christ was the Incarnation, sent for each and every nation,
Sent into the very world He created, to be scoffed at while berated,
Crucified by peoples He knew, to provide salvation to me and you,
As one dead, taken from Calvary, put in a tomb to rise in Authority.
Authority He had before time began, before creating earth and man,
God’s Authority exceeding anyone, Power He displayed in His Son,
The power that put Heaven in place, was at Calvary, know as Grace,
Because God has the authority to, redeem sinners, like me and you.
The Mighty Creator’s returning again, to display Authority to all men,
At Christ’s return, long awaited, by believers on the earth He created,
During His reign as He rules, reigning with His own but judging fools,
As those souls that believed not God, will see His Authoritative Rod.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)
